Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Jenny Holzer

"I show what I can with words in light and motion in a chosen place, and when I envelop the time needed, the space around, the noise, smells, the people looking at one another and everything before them, I have given what I know." - Jenny Holzer

I've heard about Jenny Holzer in various art classes and wanted to find out more about her. She related to digital, because she works mainly in projections. She projects words on public spaces, which relates to our Vito Aconchi reading from last week.

She was born in Ohio in 1950 and attended Ohio University in Athens and went to RISD for her MFA. Her artworks consist of projections, which are of words. The words or phrases she chooses for her pieces are never her own. She uses old disclassified government papers, poetry and prose, as well as bold statements. Her works is projected onto a large space, and has appeared in cities all over the world.

Jenny Holzer

Her works are presented in urban environments, meant for the public- the everyday person. She has written before, but uses the works of others because she feels that others can express and word what she wants to say.

Trueisms is one of her most famous works. She has compiled “trueisms” or statements and puts them out for the public to see, on street signs, on posters and even projected on buildings. She says” my pleasure is in reading and not in writing” art21 She wants her work to stand for itself, to make the audience become enagaged and think about her work on a higher level. She also remains anonymous in her work :

“There’s a reason I’m anonymous in my work. I like to be absolutely out of view and out of earshot. I don’t sign my work because I think that would diminish its effectiveness.”- art21

I find her work to be quite interesting. To be honest, I was never particularly fond of this type of artwork. I've seen projected images and even seen some in art museums, but they never drew my attention. I feel like Jenny's work might be interesting to see in a public space. I like the fact that she projects her work in public, urban spaces where everyone can access them. I would enjoy to see something new to the business of a city life. Her works give something for people to think about, something to stretch their minds.

I feel like these works are most successful outside, because they have a nice narrative with the environment. They are meant for the public, and warp with the place they are projected on. They force us, the audience to interact by looking and thinking, which is refreshing in these busy, chaotic times.